“Victoria’s Law will drive the pet market in PA towards more humane sources by prohibiting the sale of commercially-raised dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores, and increase transparency by requiring sellers to include identifying information” – Humane PA. Read more at Humane PA.
Currently listed in The General Assembly of Pennsylvania, Victoria’s Law was reintroduced by Senators Kristen Phillips Hill and Lisa Boscola on February 18, 2021 as Senate Bill 234. Read more about the Senate bill here.
A companion bill was introduced by Representatives Tracy Pennycuick and Jeanne McNeill as House Bill 1299 on April 27, 2021. Read more about the House bill here.
All the latest news
Pennycuick, McNeill Introduce Victoria’s Law – MyChesCo
Reps. Tracy Pennycuick and Jeanne McNeill on Friday announced their introduction of House Bill 1299, known as Victoria’s Law. Read more
Senator Lisa Boscola speaks about Victoria’s Law
Senator Boscola is Joined with Local and State Advocates in support of SB234, Victoria’s Law, at the Lehigh County Humane Society.
Senator Phillips-Hill introduces Victoria’s Law
Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill formally introduced Senate Bill 234, Victoria’s Law, with local and state stakeholders. Victoria’s Law would prohibit the sale
All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.
~ James Russell Lowell
Be a part of the change in Pennsylvania! Join us in making Victoria’s Law a reality for the thousands of dogs, cats and rabbits in mills across the commonwealth!
Where are we now?
Victoria’s Law, Senate Bill 234 and House Bill 1299, has been assigned to their respective committees. In order for them to reach the full senate or house, they must pass a vote in their committees. It is the sole discretion of the committee chair to place the bill up for a vote or not. Please contact the Senate and House committee chairs and let them know that you would like to see Victoria’s Law put up for a vote.
Be a part of the change in Pennsylvania! Join us in making Victoria’s Law a reality for the thousands of dogs, cats and rabbits producing for profit across the commonwealth!
Victoria’s Law has global support
Opposition to Victoria’s Law
Want to know who is fighting the passage of Victoria’s Law? See for yourself in the attached 2020 Judiciary Committee hearing and via the additional testimony. (Please note: the AKC is listed under Letters of Support but they strongly oppose Victoria’s Law).
Some of the strongest opposition comes from the PVMA (Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association). Their Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee speaks for the entire membership of nearly 4,000 members yet did not survey their full membership before coming out against Victoria’s Law.